What do you want to do?

what do you want to doSo, I think that most people are at that age where they have to think of what they will actually do in life. Or maybe you’ve already been out in life for a while but just aren’t happy. So, let’s think – what makes you happy?

I love helping people, making them happy and making them laugh. Why else would I be writing this, right?

But I seriously do, I like doing things for people and helping them with anything I can. When I was at school I would go buy my friends food, they would ask if someone would go buy them food with their own money and I’d do it. It didn’t get anything in return unless they said I could use the change, which was rare. I would help and do most of the work for the others if we were put into teams. If someone asked me to go with them to go to the office or something I would go, even if it meant walking around the whole school trying to find one teacher, just because they asked. I was always friendly to people, even when I didn’t like them. Even now – that I’m studying from home – I do things for my mother and sisters all the time. Do chores if they’re tired, help out a lot – emotionally and physically. When I go to visit my father or grandparents I am always offering to help, although they won’t let me. When I go out, I let people in ahead of me in the checkout if they have less stuff, or even if they look a little rushed and I am overjoyed when people ask me directions, for the time or something that I can help them with.

And I always – always – as my family will tell you – I am ALWAYS telling jokes. Even before I could speak, as a baby, I would try and make people laugh. Because laughter is the best medicine. The only drag on that is I make jokes in serious situations and I’m often scorned for it, but I laugh at myself anyway.

But – that’s me. I am me, and I am helpful and happy to help. But – what about you?

What kind of things make you happy? But I’m not talking about your things, I mean things out in the world. If your answer to ‘What makes you happy?’ is: Your wifi, computer, cat, games, your movies, your pictures or your music – that’s not what I mean. I mean – what makes you happy out there?

Do you like to help people too? Or do you like to be alone? Are you creative? Or do you like graphs and computer screens? Are you occasionally active or not? Are you really the worm type that never leaves the house or do you need to get out?

Take out how you feel right now, and think – no matter how you feel, what you will still like to do?

I read something once that said: Think of someone you like; that no matter what you look like, no matter how angry, tired or sad you feel, no matter how dirty or fat or sweaty or beautiful you are,  think of one person you would never be upset to see. That you wouldn’t mind being around when you feel at your worst. And that – is love.

I’ve never been able to put anyone but family and a few close friends into that category, but it is true in the fact that they are the people I love the most.

So – if it is true – think about that with the things in your life. Think of something that you enjoy when you feel happy and motivated, but you won’t mind when you’re tired or grumpy. Of course everyone has that point where you get sick of the thing you love, but if you love it, you won’t let it leave.

I worked at McDonald’s for about six months, and I HATED it. I was one of the people on the front counter, serving people and bagging the food, making the fries. It totally wasn’t the right job for me, and here’s why: I’m generally shy at first, so having to greet a lot of generally unhappy strangers in one day is something that scares me. If I made a mistake it was this HUGE annoyance to anyone else who had to then help me, I didn’t bond with any of my co-workers (except this one guy who was just nice to everyone and we trained together). Even when I had shifts with friends outside of work, I didn’t get to talk to them, and they usually ignored me. I hate to be rushed, and in a rush I get clumsy – not good for lunchtime and dinnertime rushes. I would be sick every time I had to work. So I quit.

But it’s not like that for everyone. Once I left about half of everyone I knew got a job there, and most of them like it.

For me – just the way I work and my personality, I need a calmer sort of job. Maybe my experience would have been better if the managers would have been nicer and been happy. I only saw two of them smile once. I’ve decided I need a job where I can be more relaxed, and a little more creative. Punching a computer screen and being nice to cranky people who take a mistake personally, all day isn’t my thing.

Made a list once, of jobs I would like, which I highly recommend to anyone looking for work. Because you shouldn’t have a job just because you need the money and end up miserable every day. Work somewhere with something you enjoy.

I’ll share a few jobs from my list with you:

  • Dancer
  • Artist
  • Actor
  • Working with Animals
  • Working with children
  • Working with plants
  • Something in Travel
  • Makeup artist
  • Nanny
  • Director
  • Author
  • Singer
  • Detective
  • Designer
  • Counsellor

Now – this was a list from a few months ago so some of the things I’m not so keen on anymore. Not sure if ‘detective’ is right for me. But – most of the things in there have to do with people and creativity. Because that is very me. So – I encourage you to make a list of your own things that you would like. Don’t worry if you think it’s possible or not, just go for it! (There are slim odds I’ll be an actor or singer but I put it there anyway)

In life, it’s hard work. It’s going to be, let me just tell you now. So – if you’re in for a tough ride like everyone else, which you most likely are, make sure you have a comfortable seat. I understand how hard it is to get a job, especially where you want to, but you have to keep trying. Don’t settle for less, unless less makes you happy. Too many young people I know are stuck in jobs they hate, which makes their lives miserable and them a pain to be around.

Shoot for the moon – and if you fail to reach it, you’ll at least land among the stars. Try to achieve what you really want to do, and you might not get there, but you will have tried. And ended up somewhere for the better anyway.

And one more point I want to add is – those online career tests? Aren’t always right. I did one recently and while one of them sounded about right, the other way off. Don’t rely on them heavily because it’s just a computer, and a rough Idea. In fact I’ll encourage you to not listen to anyone who tells you what jobs are right for you. Like – remember any jobs you liked, but don’t consider them unless they sound appealing. Only you know what you want to do.

If you’ve been through some tough times, or even in tricky circumstances, then you will know yourself better and what you can cope with better. I’ve been in plenty of sticky situations, perhaps more than most people. But I know what I can handle, and what little things that – if they go wrong – make me breakdown and cry. (Hehe)

If you haven’t had a very hard life, or even been in many struggles, it may be harder to decide. But make sure you do what makes you happy. Even if it means you go a couple weeks without pay at all and have to couch surf or take baths in the ocean – it’s still okay. Some people live for that man!

I once knew someone who, in the two years I knew them, never had a job. And only three or four times that I knew of left the house on their own accord. They would complain about not having a job. And I thought – really, you have no motivation for anything but lying in bed all day and you have the nerve to complain about the fact no one will hire you?

I would much rather have to sleep in my friend’s back yard, and shower in public bathrooms, only eat two meals a day and be searching for a job I enjoyed – than be stuck in a job I hated.

But – I probably won’t have to do that. Because I think God has things in store for me, as he does for everyone. You’re not here for no reason. EVERYONE on this planet has a purpose. It could be as small as tripping over someone’s shoe, so that that person could wake up and not miss their job interview, so they could get hired and change the world in a big way. The butterfly effect, paying it forward, whatever you like to call it. It’s real.

Chase after what you want, if you don’t get it then step back and look around, you may find something even better. Be nice to people, because it changes the world. You chat to someone while waiting in line, they feel good enough not to kill themselves that night. Bam you saved a life. You smile at the old man. Bam – you light up his day. You offer to help a mother with her bags, she declines, but bam – her faith is restored in youth.  You do a favour for your mother, and it takes it off her mind, and relaxes her. She has a cup of tea and her mood is lightened. Bam – happy household.

I’m just saying you never know what small act will completely change someone. So do whatever you have to do happily, and you will make the world shine. Be happy, and you will make everyone around happy. It may not happen straight away, but eventually it will help a lot.

Love and prayers as always.

Admin xx

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